Wednesday, March 31

best SHIP eva.

it's nOt abOut TiTanic or wat sO eva. but i'm gonna taLk aBout fren*SHIP. i found tAt it was da best eVa thing in tiZ worLd. thanks gOd 4 giving me great FRENS. thanks 2 my buDdies as thEy cAn taKe me as whO i am.
luv napster. aLways suPport me exspeciaLLy suke bebeL2 padaku pasaL kapeL. but yes.she's reaLLy understanding gurL. BFF!
Luv ayda. makcik ne sLaLu jadi mangsA kene dgr cite sdEy ku. sebAb die suke buLi ku temAn antA esemen.hehe BFF!
Luv.Luv.Luv.dyah n suRaya. mereka sLaLu membuat teLinga ku paNas dgn jeRitan, makian n cAcian. tp siyeS dorg suPportive gLe. idup di UTeM ku xbermakne tanpa meReka ber2 ini. BFF!
p/s: kekasih boLey dtg n pergi tapi kawan.samPai mati..

Tuesday, March 30

hari ini.

i cAn remember wat u had saiD on tat dAy. i'm dA greAtest giFt in ur beSday. reaLLy greatfuL 2 be myseLf tat tyme. everything is reaLLy2 nice. but everything is nOt Lasting. thanks 4 da *GREATEST* giFt i got in my besdAy. tenkiu sO much :'(

Monday, March 29

thanks god i found him:)

our fate (29th n 30th march)
Let u guys guess. whO is tis LIL guy. he's suCh a meaningfuL persOn 2 me. he came in2 my Life 4 6years a go. quite Long rite. tats why i LUV him so much. he is my LiL bro 4eva after..mohamad shadan bin abd hamid:) reaLLy gratefuL 2 found him since schooL tyme. he's da 1 who understand me n aLways besiDe me when i'm haPpy and sad. tenkiu ADEK. xOxO.. muaCkss.. his besday is 2day , 29th march. a day b4 me. n u need 2 belieVe our fatE..hehe
hePy besday dear.
may gOd bLess u always.
get da beZ in ur Lyfe.
i'LL always be ther 4 u bro. .
30th march. it waS my besday come again. but i feeL Like EMPTY. tiS is da year i'd never cOunt da day 4 my besday like past. with nO hope, nO wish. . . tiS is suCks!
my biggest wish is if i cOuLd find my true Love. tats wat i want 4 da rEst of my Life. . .
p/s : may god bLess me:'(

biarkan KAKI ini meLangkAh.

LawatAn ke pUsat latihan poLis maRin, PULAMAR joHor bahRu
maRkas maRin tg puteRi
pAsukan simPanan peRsekutuAn, ipk dEpOh.
dAnga bAy:)
siLe tekAn XXX.
p/s : sgt keLetihan. xdapat nk bRief lebeh2. sampy UTeM trus ke mibC cz jd a.j.k bowLing tournament under mPp. clap 2 me.veRy da bZ body gaL.

Sunday, March 28

haTe tiS paRt.

LateLy rase mcm sampah. buat keje sume serba xkene. ntah perasaan ape yg menyelubungi. serious shit BENCI! rase nak balek rumah. lari dari semua orang yang dikenali. nk MAK. sebab mak je yang menenangkan hati, sanubari dan jiwa anak die sorang ne.
rase nk damn any1 at anywhere. toLg lah jgn sakitkan hati yg sememangnyer sakit neh. main jauh2 sane. siap kau kLu kacau idup ak. keje plak beRtimbun2. 2minggu lagi nk finaL exam. tapi teSt mAsih berduyun2. dari 1subjEk ke 1suBjek. aSsigment pLak ntah hape2. bagi Last2 minit, sume nk kne suBmit seCepat mungkin*(waLhaL bagi awaL n Lewat ke saMe je kAn) huh benCi !! toLongLah peRgi perAsaan ini~
mungkin sudah tiba masenyer. untuk kembaLi ke pAngkaL jaLan. seRta mendekAtkan diri pAda si DIA. kerana adat manusia, hanya mencaRi NYA bila diuji ketabahan hati masing2 kan. dan ak juga adaLah keLompok manuSia i2. tanpA DIA beLum tentu ak berpeLuang menikmati hiDup ini.. TERIMA KASIH TUHAN..
P/S : McM xsanggup nk menghadapi hari2 mendatang :(


hey blog!
seminggu sudah ditinggaLkan.haRi2 yg dilalui semakin hambar.keceriaan dulu semakin menghilg.kemane kaw campakkan ak? dan hAri2 yg teLah ku tinggalkan.hanye ditemani tangisan.dan utk kesekian lagi.hati ini berdarah kembali. terima kasih.kerna meLukai hati.yg setelah sekian lame dilukai.kerna ak hanye insan biasa.yg xmampu memahamimu.pd tanggapanmu hanya melukaimu.dan hanya mengharapkan kasihmu.untuk selamanya... tiada lagi mesej2 indah.tiada lagi kata2 rindu dan syg.hanya ditemani kekosongan.dan tanda tanya....
terima kasih.
p/s : sampai bila . . . . . .

Friday, March 19

u r nOt aLone.but i'm.

Have you ever bothered to realize
how much you mean to me?
I care so much for you inside
and miss you so deeply.
I sometimes sit for hours
Just to hear from you
And when you never come on
I’m unsure what to do
I lay awake in bed sometimes
With you stuck in my head
Sometimes I question your love for me
Or that your with someone else instead
Sometimes I walk at night
Just to gaze at a lonely star
Sometimes I fall to tears
Because you are so far
And every now and then
When I do speak to you
I always get worried
Incase you say we’re threw
And do you ever wonder
Just what I’m doing to
And do you know
Just how much I think of you
Because if tomorrow doesn’t come
And I haven’t spoke to you
How will you ever know?
Just how much I miss you

Thursday, March 18

{i'LL wait. . . . deaR}

You know I LOVE YOU,  
You know I CARE,  
Whenever you need me, you know i'll be there,  
Though sometimes i sit and think am i in love or is this just lust,  
You make me smile, yet you make me cry!  
Sometimes i feel like i want to die, 
 I feel so close yet so far away from you, 
 It's almost like we are in two different worlds,
 You act like you don't want me, 
 You act like you don't care, 
 I'll just keep on dreaming and hoping that one morning i'll wake and you will be THERE! 

p/s = yes.i do need u :'(


rasenyer xpayah nk susah2 kan diri
buat org paham sape diri kite sebenarnyer
sbb xakan ade org yg nk memahami sepenuhnyer
dan xde untungnyer wat mereka paham semuanyer
bila buat baik... SALAH
buat jahat pon.. SALAH
tp kebaikan 2lah yg susah nk dilihat
dan kesalahan 2lah yg menjadi sebutan
mane yg BETOL?
cukup dengan hanye kite yg mengenali
siapa diri kite yg sebenarnyer
apa yg kite lakukan
apa yg kite amalkan
apa yg kite makan
apa yg kite harungi
dan apa yg ade dlm hati. . .
p/s: tyme susah.tyme saket.ade org nk kesah?

Tuesday, March 16

i wish tat u knEw. . .

I wish that when I walk away mad 
You would follow me and make me be glad ,
 I wish that when I push or hit you
You would grab me and not let me go through,
 I wish that when I start cursing at you
You would kiss and tell me you love me too,
I wish that when I am very quiet
You would ask me what's wrong and not start a riot, 
I wish that when I ignore you
You would give me your attention in ado,
I wish that when I pull away
You would pull me back in a gentle way,
I wish that when I look a mess
You would tell me I'm more beautiful then all the rest,
 I wish that when I start crying
You would hold me and be silent because inside, I'm dying, 
I wish that when I am walking
You would sneak up and hug my waist from behind without talking, 
I wish that when I am scared 
You would protect me and say that you cared,
I wish that when I lay my head on your shoulder 
You would tilt my head up, kiss me and not feel any colder, 
I wish that when I steal your favorite stuff
You would let me keep it for a night thereat ,
I wish that when I tease you
You would tease me back and make me laugh too,
 I wish that when I don't answer for a long time 
You would tell me that everything is okay after sometime ,
I wish that when I look at you with doubt
 You would back yourself up but not pout ,
I wish that when I grab at your hands 
You would hold and play with my fingers and not let them disband, 
 I wish that when I tell you a secret
 You would keep it safe and untold and yet ,
I wish that when I look deep into your eyes 
You would not look away until I despise ,
I wish that when I miss you 
You would know that I'm hurting inside too, 
I wish that when I feel heartbroken
You would know that the pain never goes away unspoken, 
I wish that when I say it's over
 You would know that I still want you to be mine like a lucky clover ,
I wish that when I say I love you
You would understand that I really do and it's true. . . 
p/s:wheRe is dA LOVE ? ? ?

Sunday, March 14

*behinD da dumBneSs*

i'm suffering
dun m8 me
keep waiting

Sunday, March 7


giv me sOme chAnces...
Loving u in nO matteR wAt
knOwing u betteR
menD my weAkness
dO right thingS..
repLy my teXt
piCk up my caLLing niCeLy
if u'r buzy
or eVen u did't need me
4 eva afteR
n it's make me fRust <(+.+")>
Let me knOw
hOw r u just nOw
hOw ur feeLing
isn't bad.or okay?
i do cAre abOut u!
i mean SO MUCH..
hey you...!
yes..i do............
i meAnt it deaR:'(
*dh jumpe sbb utame serabot pade mgu lpas n coming week!

chiLL baby chiLL.i cAn't!

everyone.hii :)
tat was such a LoveLy sundAy.
but it tuRn 2 be sucks
when i need 2 go 4 traing
in the mOrning...
when every1 are enjoying theiR dreAms
when the kiDs r spEndg theiR wekends with Luv pArent
but i'm keePg aLone dOing meSsy things
at the sucks pLace a.k.a hosteL@UTeM>>
haVing stresSfuL mind
need 2 thrOw it away
better fiLLing my day wif stupid things!
OMG.gonna be omsick~

Saturday, March 6


WARNING *post mengandungi words2 yg tidak enak.siLa tekan X:
hawawau~tak paham2 ag ke pic kt ats tuh
pehal nk angin2 xmasal kaw neh
ntah saPe2 je yg menyibuk
n xde pasal cari pasal ngn ak
arOund minggu neh
memg mintak disembuR kate2 yg amat *manes*
sbb tuh gak post dibekukan selame sminggu
utk mengelakkan hal2 mencarut berlebihan..
yes!dilande keserabutan thp dead
but yg gediknyer,
xtahu nk describe serabut psal ap
habes sume ak baLun mencArut
ah mybe tensen pasal test pdd
yg xpenah ak memahami ap
yg sedg dibincgkan stiap kali lab 3jam
kuLiah pon bp kali je ak dtg
dtg xdtg pon xde beza
wat penat bgn pagi2 bute je g klas pdd
yg pentg attendance xmiss org sign kan.
ape nk jadi ntah..!
aLih2 ade test
n sCope test chapter 1-7
mcm heLL boLeh x!!
intro pon ak xlepas2 nk paham.
nk masok smpy chapter 7 PULAK!!!
kLu bleh nk terminate trus
bukan takat drop subjek cm dowh ne.FULLSTOP!
p/s : jiwa xmasal nk kacau ak keSah?err knape neh!