LoVe is an impOrtant factOr in physiCaL n emOtional intimAte reLationships.
ThOugh the teRm is notOriousLy difficuLt 2 definE,
aNy thOughtfuL inQuiry in2 thE subjeCt wiLL shOw
it 2 bE quaLitativeLy, nOt onLy quantitAtiveLy,diffeRent thAn liking,
n dA diffeRenCe is nOt meReLy in dA preSenCe oR absenCe of seXuaL attractiOn.
There 2types of LoVE in a relatiOnship-
paSsiOnatE LoVe N companiOnatE LovE.
With companiOnatE LovE,potent feeLings diminiSh bUt r enriChed
by waRm feeLingS of attaChmEnt,an aUthentiC n enduRing bOnd,
a sEnsE of mutUaL cOmmitmEnt,thE prOfounD knOwLedgE
thAt u r caRing 4anOther peRsOn
whO is iN tuRn caRing 4u,
feeLing pRoUd of a mAte's acCompLishmEnt,
N dA satiSfaCtiOn tAt cOmes frOm shaRing gOaLs n peRspectiVe.
In contRast,pasSionAte LovE iS maRkeD by infAtuAtiOn,
intEnSe preOccupAtiOn with dA paRtneR,stRong seXuaL lOnginG,thrOes of eCstaSy,
feeLingS of eXhiLaRatiOn tAt cOme frOm bEinG reuNiteD wiTh dA paRtneR.
PeopLe whO r in An intimAtE reLatiOnshiP wiF 1anOtheR r oftEn caLLed a cOupLe,
especiaLLy iF dA memBeRs oF tAt cOupLe hAv ascribEd sUm dEgrEe
of peRmanenCy 2their reLatiOnshiP.
Such cOupLes oftEn prOviDe dA emOtionaL seCuRity tAt is neCesSary 4thEm 2aCcompLish
otheR taSKs,paRticuLarLy fOrms of labOr or woRk.
p/s:dO t8 caRe dA LoveLy peOpLe arOund u n u'LL neVa rEgrEt it..