Sunday, November 29


dO u caRe abOut tiS.yeS i am!even ak ngaku ler ak ne idop ibarat katak bwh baldi.pasal woRld2 ne jarang nk amek taw.buku manufacturg ak tbal2 pon xkatam2 ag weh.pehaL ak nk amek taw dunia luar lak kan.hehe
beLow certain infO yg baru ak taw.enjOy!
RichEst in m'sia
  1. Robert Kuok (9.0$bil)
  2. Ananda Krishnan (7.2$bil)
  3. Lin Sheng Cheng (5.7$bil)
  4. Teh Hong Piow (3.3$bil)
  5. Quek Leng Chan (2.3$bil)
  6. Yeoh Tiong Lay n FamiLy (2.1$bil)
  7. Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary (2.0$bil)
  8. Tiong Hiew King (1.1$bil)
DangeRous ciTieS 2 viSit
  1. Baghdad.IraQ
  2. Swat VaLLey.PakiStan
  3. KabuL.afghaniStan
  4. MogadiShu.SomaLia
  5. Washington DC.US
  6. Rio De Jenairo.BraziL
  7. CaraCas.VenezueLA
  8. MedeLLin.Colombia
  9. Guatemala City.GuatemaLa
  10. JohaNnsebuRg.South aFriCa
Most xPensiVe ciTies
  1. Tokyo.Japan
  2. OsaKa.JapaN
  3. OsLo.noRway
  4. Hong Kong.chiNa
  5. LibreViLLe.GabOn
  6. ZuriCh.sWitzeRLand
  7. London.UK
  8. Geneva.SwitzerLand
HigheSt paYing jObs
  1. AnesthesiOLogist (184,340 $)
  2. SurgeOns (184,150 $)
  3. Obstetricians & GynecologiSt (178,040 $)
  4. OrthodOntists (176,900 $)
  5. Oral & maxiLLofacial surgeOns (164,760 $)
  6. Internist,General (160,860 $)
  7. ProstodOntists (158,940 $)
  8. Psychiatrists (149,990 $)
  9. FamiLy & General PractitionErs (149,850 $)
  10. Chief ExecutiVeS (144,860 $)
Leads oF cAusinG deAth
  1. Heart Disease
  2. Cancer
  3. RespiRatOry inFectiOns
  4. Lung DiseaSe
  6. DigestiVe diseasE
  7. DiarrhOLe disease
  8. tubeRcuLosis
  9. MaLariA
  10. TrafFic acciDents
LarGest muSLim PopuLatiOns
  1. ChinA (1,330,040,000)
  2. india(1,148,000,000)
  3. UniteD sTateS(303,825,000)
  4. inDoneSia(237,512,000)
  5. braziL(196,343,000)
p/s-2 be cOntinueD.......

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