Monday, March 29

thanks god i found him:)

our fate (29th n 30th march)
Let u guys guess. whO is tis LIL guy. he's suCh a meaningfuL persOn 2 me. he came in2 my Life 4 6years a go. quite Long rite. tats why i LUV him so much. he is my LiL bro 4eva after..mohamad shadan bin abd hamid:) reaLLy gratefuL 2 found him since schooL tyme. he's da 1 who understand me n aLways besiDe me when i'm haPpy and sad. tenkiu ADEK. xOxO.. muaCkss.. his besday is 2day , 29th march. a day b4 me. n u need 2 belieVe our fatE..hehe
hePy besday dear.
may gOd bLess u always.
get da beZ in ur Lyfe.
i'LL always be ther 4 u bro. .
30th march. it waS my besday come again. but i feeL Like EMPTY. tiS is da year i'd never cOunt da day 4 my besday like past. with nO hope, nO wish. . . tiS is suCks!
my biggest wish is if i cOuLd find my true Love. tats wat i want 4 da rEst of my Life. . .
p/s : may god bLess me:'(


Meooo Comicore Club said...

jiwang siot... huhuhuhu :p

slm kenal :D

jom layan komik free

marieyanee said...

jiwang ke..
oo hye.
xminat komik la..tq

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